i was at my grandmother's house a couple months ago, and we spent an evening looking at her old slides. she used to be quite the photographer, and it was really good to look at pictures of old family gatherings and trips with her. she's 95, but still is sharp of mind and had a lot of good stories to go along with the slides.
my gramps and grams sure had some good style back then. i'm not so sure about that ponytail on my dad though. trouble.
recently i started looking into buying a house. my parents told me that for their first home, my gramma had helped them out with the down payment, and that they would do the same for me. i'm very greatful to have such a generous and supporting family.
by the end of october, i should have a house of my own, with room for visitors. there will always be room for friends and family to stay a few days and enjoy seattle with me.
photos: scanned slides of Alta and Orv, Orv, mom and dad.